Purcell Henry - How pleasent 'tis to Love!

Componist(en):Henry Purcell
Uitvoerder(s):Scherzi Musicali, Reinoud van Mechelen
Dirigent(en):Nicolas Achten
Medewerkers:Korneel Bernolet (virginaal), Korneel Bernolet (barokharp)
Label code:Alpha 192
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Sound the Trumpet
Ah' How pleasan 'tis to Love!
O Solitude!
Almand in d
Still I'm whishing
Seek nog to know
Corant & Hornpipe in d
Musick for a While
Sweeter than Roses
A new Ground in e
'Tis Nature's Voice
From Rosie Bow'rs
Hornpipe in e
They tell us that you mighty Powers above
Ah! how happy are we
The plaint: O let me Weep!
A ground in d
Roundo in d
Strike the Viol, touch the Lute
Prelude in a
In vain the am'rous Flute
An Evening Hymn


4 stemvorkjes
Un concert à domicile. oubliez la théorie des passions, oubliez la science des métaphores, la rhétorique expressive. Baryton, claviériste et harpiste, Nicolas Achten aborde Purcell comme il aborderait Cabrel ou Brassens, accompagnant lui-même une voix modeste, sans volume ni effort.
(Ivan A. Alexandre, Diapason, september 2013, p. 105-106)

The idea is that of Scherzi Musicali's director Nicolas Achten, who is not only the baritone in question but also the keyboard player and harpist, and the only person to appear on all 22 tracks. His sound is on the tenorish side of things, and both he and tenor Reinhoud Van Mechelen have the kind of keen tonal focus and textual sympathy that can draw out the anguish in such numbers as 'O Solitude' [...]. Indeed, these are performances that prove that you don't have to be one of Purcell's compatriots to realise his genius with real heart and understanding.
(Lindsay Kemp, Gramophone, oktober 2013, p. 85-87)

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(Wat is dit?)
Purcell Henry - How pleasent 'tis to Love! (10.2013)
Purcell Henry - How pleasent 'tis to Love!